Wednesday, December 2, 2009

why indian's are attacked abraod

recently i got a fwd mail which is interesting... so read and have fun


A nice one to laugh at and feel proud too!!

It was the first day of a school in USA and a new Indian student named
Chandrasekhar Subramanian entered the fourth grade.

The teacher said, "Let's begin by reviewing some American History. Who
said 'Give me Liberty , or give me Death'?"

She saw a sea of blank faces, except for Chandrasekhar, who had his
hand up: 'Patrick Henry, 1775' he said.

'Very good! Who said 'Government of the People, by the People, for the
People, shall not perish from the Earth?''

Again, no response except from Chandrasekhar. 'Abraham Lincoln, 1863'
said Chandrasekhar.

The teacher snapped at the class, 'Class, you should be ashamed.
Chandrasekhar, who is new to our country, knows more about its history
than you do.'

She heard a loud whisper: 'Fuck the Indians,'
'Who said that?' she demanded. Chandrasekhar put his hand up. 'General
Custer, 1862.'

At that point, a student in the back said, 'I'm gonna puke.'
The teacher glares around and asks 'All right! Now, who said that?'

Again, Chandrasekhar says, 'George Bush to the Japanese Prime
Minister, 1991.'

Now furious, another student yells, 'Oh yeah? Suck this!'
Chandrasekhar jumps out of his chair waving his hand and shouts to
the> teacher , 'Bill Clinton, to Monica Lewinsky,1997'

Now with almost mob hysteria someone said 'You little shit. If you say
anything else, I'll kill you.' Chandrasekhar frantically yells at the
top of his voice, ' Michael Jackson (RIP) to the child witnesses
testifying against him- 2004.'

The teacher fainted. And as the class gathered around the teacher on
the floor, someone said, 'Oh shit, we're screwed!' And Chandrasekhar
said quietly, 'I think it was the American people, November 4, 2008(recession).

Friday, November 20, 2009

web directories

most of you people have tried searching on google for websites of various categories.
but among the 1000 results more than half of the results may be irrelevant. this is
because many webmasters find many methods to fool the search algorithms in order to drive traffic into their websites, thus causing inconvenience for the normal users. thats where the importance of a web directory comes up. a web directory is a directory where
the websites are sorted out manually, thus ensuing the link here to reach web directory list.

A business web directory should have a variety of websites listed on it. There are some directories that offer many similar links, and this may not be helpful if you want to search for different types of links in the same directory. To avoid such disappointments, make sure that you only make use of websites that offer varied websites. You also need to be careful with the authenticity of the website directories you are using. Some of these websites may entice you with great offers and service advertisements, while in the real sense there might be nothing to do with quality in the websites that they list.

These websites are reviewed and listed by human beings like you and me. This may leave some room for mistakes. Make sure that you avoid website directories that seen to be unreliable. Choose a directory that promises to get you links to other sites that are frequented most by your target market. Remember that the main objective is to optimize your profits, do not do anything that might jeopardize this.

The Yahoo! Directory is one of the most common of the Web Directories being used by online business owners through out the globe. There are other online business directories resources such as the Open Directory Project and Directory Archives which can go a long way in helping you get hold of the links that you are seeking. Another is, a huge directory.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Newest MMO Online Game: AION.

Developed by publishing giant Ncsoft for both the Western and Korean markets, Aion features impressive visuals and innovative gameplay elements, making it unique amongst its peers. Set in a world divided in two, the race of the light and the race of the darkness are in a constant struggle with each other and with a third NPC race, creating a dynamic that the developers call PvPvE.

This is the perfect place if you are just getting started in the game. The following articles will provide you with the basics you will need to begin your adventure in the world of Aion.

Getting StartedBasic InterfaceAdventuringInteractions

Game Manuals

- Game Login

- Server Selection

- Select Race

- Select Class

- Create Character

- User Interface

- Controls

- Channels

- Quest Basics

- Targeting & Combat

- Looting

- Gathering

- Pathfinding

- Vendor NPCs

- Training NPCs

Aion Game Manual

Designing For Mobile Web

Mobile phones comes in all sizes and styles, with different features that will attract people.the evolution of this device from just a conversation gadget to a micro computer in hand is pretty awesome. Well when computer and communication combines then there is the internet. Many people use mobile to connect to social networks like facebook, check there mails and so much more. Even you must be having your own blackberry or iphone....

well but from a developers point of view one problem mobile phones posses is each of them comes with diffrent memory stripes, diffrent processing speeds and display sizes. But there are more than 50 companies producing mobile telephones in significant and marketable quantities. By end of 2009, projections indicate there will be 3 billion mobile phone users worldwide.This proves that a vast potential is awaiting in this arena.

But present day mobile internet users face many difficulties .like browzer issues, speed problems and so and so. mobile internet users are those who want to be connected to internet irrespective of place where they are and deamand a bette web experiance.Hope fully issues will be fixed and this mobile web access become for comfortable for users.

Check out this post written on mobile web site design



Designing for the Mobile Web

There are more than 50 companies producing mobile telephones in significant and marketable quantities. By 2009, projections indicate there will be 3 billion mobile phone users worldwide. The market for the delivery of Web content to these mobile device users dwarfs the market for desktops. There is theoretically unlimited potential for expansion of the Web (or Web 2.0) into these devices, and we are now on the cutting edge of Web site design for Mobile Web (or the ‘‘Ubiquitous Web,’’ as it is also becoming known). Mobile Web, Web 2.0, and Ubiquitous Web all express the concept of a boisterous, erratically developing electronic frontier.

The mobile device market is huge, but the very small screen sizes, relatively slow and weak processors, stripped down (simplified) operating systems, and limited memory and storage make it difficult to use the Web as efficiently as you can with static desktop computers. As an example, in growing acknowledgment of the importance of the handheld mobile market, and to help develop content specific to that environment, Adobe has reworked its Device Central development module to allow for previewing of Web content on such devices as cell phones and PDAs early in the Web page development cycle.

The discussion in this section begins with an overview of Web design for the Mobile Web. We will discuss the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Mobile Web Initiative (MWI) and review common difficulties hindering Web development (such as the lack of standardization, lack of new technology, network connectivity, hardware, and human factors). We will explore problems unique to developing and delivering Web content to the Mobile Web, look at current Web development and content tools (what role will scalable vector graphics play in content delivery, for example), look at Mobile Web browsers, and..."

check this article:"Mechanical watches are the direct descendant of the original watch"

Blog Advertizing

do you like writting ? do you have a blog and usually post in it ? well then why can't you think about monetizing your blog and earn for writting.well a little extra money never hurt you know!!!

There are many sites where you will be able to write reviews about cool websites, companies, products reviews and much more. well if you are well aware of what you are writitng and is knowledgable on your subjects , then be sure to add a few more dollar biils to your wallet with out much hard work.

Writing blogposts is an interesting hobbie which can help you to relax, express your views and have fun. but how many of you have considered it as a means of making some extra cash , while having fun or expressing yourself....

Advertising has become an important part of media , across the globe.Companies seek different ways to promote there products, like through starting from old age flyers to tv and newspaper adverts.with internet companies find it easily to target their customers and deliver the products .read more about advertising right here:-"Advertisements on the Brain"

So what connection does blogs and advertising has, since most people use blogs to express whats in there mind or their opinion like product reviews, companies find it a good ground for advertising. Read more about Blog advertising on wikepedia

Well i do really use advertisement on my blogs and i can suggest you a good option. That is blogadvertizingstore. this guys really give what they promise so join this site here.well when you try blog advertising first try to make a blog dealing with lot traffic and have many readers.there are many scams out there so always choose quality advertizers. so hope you have fun and get some earning with your blogs.

Some Advice For Begginers..

"content is the king " . so be sure to add quality content.
"be orginal". post only orginal content. readers are not intrested in frauds.
"neat layout". write you post nicely,try to avoid spelling mistakes.add pictures.because it is said that a picture is worth 1000 words. Use nice fonts and a make sure the you content is well enjoyed by readers. Add intresting widgets and bookmarking tools to promote user interaction and backlining.
"promote healthy conversations" .healthy conversation on your psts brings back your make sure to reply user comments .
"timely updates" be sure to have post atleast a post in short intervals of time if you want readers to come back.
"healthy promotion" .promote your blog in healthyway.ask your friends and relatives to read your posts.
"monetize cleverly" find right ways and monetize you site cleaverly to earn most out of your blogs.

so go and start a blog for you at anysite like blogger,xanga, wordpress ......

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

hey guysss

so its some time since i feeling so lazy this days.. mm so lazy
don;t feel to type :P....

and well i was so busy at my website too :) ...and one of the greatest achivements i got this week was i created a cutom javascript which could make pepalo mebers enjoy multiplayer so happy i did it..even the social go administrators took intrest in it..

then there was something like i being caught for hackign last week.. again seems to turn out to be good and things went in a very nice way....

b tw i also made a logo for pepalo

well also am missing talkign to some friends... life so boring...

b tw what was i writting..... ?? even am not sure......
just to let you know that am not yet dead...will see you guys soon
ti then

be alive :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

more abt me

When someone says "we need to talk", what runs through your mind?
depends of people......​well mostly i like talking with others

Are you in a good mood?
i dunno... i don;t think am in best of my moods...

Does it bother you when you text somebody and they take forever to text back?
offcourse i do....lolz but ma ready to wait if that person said some reson for keep me waiting

Do people ever mistake you for being a different race?
mm no......

Do you want your phone to ring at this moment?
well may be... if its from some one who i loves ot talkw ith...

Last person text messaged?
,mm shwetz i think...

What color are your eyes?

Are you tan?
might be....

When is your birthday?
june 30

Do you like Red Bull?
what sis that :P

What are your initials?

Tell me what's on your mind?
well so many things.... will take a long time to be lazy so.. let it be another time..

Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night?
yeah i do....i slept abt like in today mornign than last night..

Have you ever liked someone, then realized you didn't?
welll seems so...

Does it annoy you when people don't put apostrophes on contractions​​?
never.. all i want is to get the meaning am not a fan of spelling at all

What is the last non-alcoholi​​c beverage you had?
apple juice?

Do you watch "The Hills"?​​
Nope. I don't watch TV! =)

Has/had/wish​​/or never had braces?
never had

Look in your text inbox, what does the 6th message say?
mm another time.. don;t ask me hard things to do :P am lazy

Was it a boy or a girl to text you last?

Is your myspace profile private?

Do you own a piece of clothing with your school name on it?

Would you honestly take a bullet for your sibling if you have one?
Yes. i belive so.. but depends on situations..​.

What is the last song in your playlist/mp3​​ library?
beat it.... as a memory of michael jackson

Does your password have any numbers in it?

Have you ever been to a bonfire?

Do you often find junk mail in your mail box?
Yes 100000s

When is it trash day in your neighborhood​​?
who knows??

What would be the first thing you would do if you woke up as the opposite sex?
did i said i would like that to happen ?? well i dunno lets wait and see:P.

What color is your computer mouse?

What brand of lotion do you use?
I don't use lotion.

Do you use bookmarks or do you just fold the edge of the page over?
well not both..i don;t use both

Is the light on in the room you're currently in?

Have you ever been in a mosh pit?
What's a mosh pit? :P

What is the most recent song you sang along with?
i dont; rember..may be love story taylor swift..

Is there a person you don't like but talk to any way?
mm i try not to dislike there isn;t

Do you talk to your neighbors?
sure i do..

So, how's the weather?
Rainy! <3
and cool....

How many letters are in your last name?

What's the last kind of Vitamin Water you had?

What's the closest thing to you with sparkles?
the new image am designing on Photoshop

What are your plans for today?
just nothing....

What did you dream about last night?
I don't remember,

Is there a girl that knows everything or mostly everything about you?
i think there is.. or may be there are...

Who was the last person you hugged in public?
my little cousin ,...i think..

Did the one person who hurt you the most apologize?
i don;t remember.. i forgive with out apologizes..​

Have you ever kissed someone of the opposite sex (not family)?

Who was your last boyfriend/gi​​rlfriend?
seriously i did n;t had any ...

Ever had a crush on someone?
yeah ..i think so..

Monday, July 13, 2009

about me (125 answers)

1.) Are you really ready for 125 questions?

2) Was your last real relationship​ a mistake?
Never been in a real relationship​.

3) Do you believe in God?
Yeah.i do...

4) Who did you last say "I love you" to?
mm... have i really told to anyone ?? i don't rember.

5) Do you regret it?
i dunno....

6) Have you ever been depressed?
many times !!!

7) Have a best friend?
i have good friends.but i dunno i have a best friend

8) Are you a boy or a girl?

9) What is your relationship​​ status?

10) How do you want to die?
calm and peacefull death

11) What did you last eat?

12) Play any sports?
Badminton, soccer, basketball,c​ricket.... i play all am able to...

13) Do you bite your nails ?
Used to do in past... now am growing my nails :P

14) Where do you work?
if u call being student a job :p at school.. i do soem webdesignign​ too.. but not for any company

15) Do you have an attitude?
Ask some one who know me :P

16) Do you like someone?
mm... may be.... and offcourse i like my family and friends.

17) Whats your real name?
Sojan v jose (sj)

19) What are you gonna do later?
i never plan ahead.. even if i did..i rarely go with plans..

20) Do you hate anyone at the moment?
I hate the feeling "hate"​

21) Do you miss someone?
mm yep...

22) Twirl or cut your spaghetti?

23) Do you tan a lot?

24) Have any pets?
if u call the stray cat , who always coem to house and stay near me a pet...

25) How exactly are you feeling?

26)Are any of your texts in your inbox locked and why?

27) Ever gone to a concert?

28) Would you take any of your exes back?
like i have any...

29) Are you scared of spiders?
<3 em.. and not even afraid to play with them :P

30) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?

31) Do you regret anything from your past?

32) What are your plans for this weekend?

33) Have you ever quoted a line from a movie?
Don't think so.

34) Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an E?

35) Do you type fast?
mm.. think am average

36) Do you have piercings? How many?

37) Want any more?

38) Can you spell well?

39) Do you miss anyone from your past?
Yes, I do..

40) What are you craving right now?
many things..

41) Ever been to a bonfire party ?

43) Have you ever been on a horse?
Yes. twice or thrice

44) What is one thing you spend way too much money on?
books :P i don;t have much money:P

45) Have you ever broken someone's heart?
Maybe. I don't know.buut if i had known i would be sorry and try to make up for it...

46) Have you ever been cheated on?
Kinda...many​ times..

47) Have you made a boyfriend/gi​​rlfriend cry?
nope.... i think..

49) Would you live with someone without marrying them?
dunno. .. i think i won;t mind..

50) What should you be doing ?
Taking this survey :P

51) What's irritating you right now?
mosquitoes..​ and fact i dont; have much to do...or chances to do..and my good friend is not online..

52) Have you ever liked someone?

53) Does somebody love you?

54) What is your favorite color ?

55) Anything you're currently looking forward to?
my websit ebeing a success

57) Do you have trust issues?

56) Have you ever said something stupid?
Yes.i think i did

60) Do you have a good relationship​​ with your parents?
yep.. i think

62) Look in your inbox in your phone, who are all the people you have texts from?
many people from my good friends to strangers..

63) Who was the last person you cried in front of?
No one. I cry by myself if i want.. its long since i cried..

64) Do you give out second chances too easily?
Yes. i do

65) Is it easier to forgive or forget?
forgive yeah.. forget.. i dunno...

66) Is this year the best year of your life?

67) What was your child hood nickname?
every one call me sojan ...

68) Have you ever walked outside barefoot?
i do most times...

69) Do you think you're a good person?
i dunno..ask soem one who know me...

70) What color are your eyes?

71) What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night ?

73) What is bothering you?
many thoughts and things

74) Have you ever been out of the country?

75) Do you play the Wii?

76) Are you listening to music right now?

77) Do you like Chinese food?

78) Do you know your fathers b- day?

79) Are you afraid of the dark?
Not any more...

81) Are you mean?
ask some one who know me..

82) Can you keep white shoes clean?
Yeah ... in clean brown color :P

83) Has anyone ever told you that you had pretty eyes?
Only in coments over photos online

84) Do you believe in true love?

85) Are you proud of the person you've become?
for some things.

86) Do you like the outside?
Yeh and I spent time there..

89) Are you currently bored?

90) What did you do yesterday
am lazy:P. .. to type :P..​atted, edited my site,slept ,ate so n so

91) Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you cutie/sweeti​​e?
I dunno

92) Are you hungry?
Not much

93) Do you have a bank account?
Yeah... 2 or 3 .. but most ar eempty :P

94) What makes you happy?

95) Would you change your name?

96) Do you think you can last in a relationship​​ for 6 months without cheating?

98) Do you watch the news?

99) Are you currently frustrated with a boy/ girl?
not really.

100) Kissed someone on your friends list?

101) Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
Nope.i haven't kissed many people :P

102) Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?

103) Do you talk like your friends?
Am me not my friend :P...

105) Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them?
Plenty of times, lol.

106) Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self?
i don;t think so...

107) Who is the last guy you talked to?
My bro

108) Does it matter if your boyfriend/gi​​rlfriend smokes?
Um. i hate smoking...

109) Do you go to church?
yeah i do.

110) What's going on between you and your best friend?

111) Who's the last person you had a deep conversation​​ with?
priya ...

113) Do you enjoy piercings & tattoos?

114) What do you wear more: jeans, sweats, pants, or shorts?

115) Next time you will kiss someone?
i can't predict future....

116) Where do you go if its raining and you can't go home (no umbrella)?
i would walk in rain...

117) Do you prefer to shower at night or in the morningno preferances

118) Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?

119) Do you want to please everyone?
Yeah think so..

120) Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?

121) Has someone ever made you a promise & broken it?
Yeah ..though not with my wish.. .

122) Are you alone?
I dunno.

123) Do you have any siblings?
1 bro-younger

124) Did you speak to your father today?
yeah i did

125) How many months until your birthday?
mm 11 months.....

Monday, June 29, 2009

Email marketting

recently i have been passing through a site and read an article about email marketing is and essential promotion tool for content providing subscription feature you can ensure users coming back to your site along with that email marketing can be used as a promotional tool and also for giving publicity to your new products.

but email marketing is one painful service to manage.thought its so useful the webmasters should be well aware that they can lose their subscribers so easily.also poor quality emails can give a bad name to service too. the frequency of mailing can also be a determining factor.

according to me if you are an email marketer. you should try weakly or bi monthly emails. monthly is too long while daily is too short.According to a 2006 Epsilon Interactive consumer e-mail study, 73 percent of consumers will unsubscribe if they feel that a company sends e-mail too frequently. Consumers are willing to receive e-mails with almost any frequency as long as the content of the message remains relevant and valuable to make sure you have quality content .proper use of pictures and styling will also help.avoid mistakes in language .

and so i find this article pretty useful since they have mentioned the facts and tips.this article has been written by Andre Wagner .i have given the link below so that you can read the content directly from article city.

click here to read the article

preview of the article....


The CAN-SPAM Act doesn’t specify what types of e-mail content to send to your e-mail list subscribers. The best practice is to send e-mail content that matches your audience’s expectations or interests. Here are some tips for setting expectations for your potential e-mail list subscribers and for sending e-mail content that matches their expectations as well as their interests:

- Include a description of your e-mail content and your typical frequency in your sign-up process. For example, if you send a monthly e-mail newsletter along with periodic promotions to your e-mail list, your e-mail list sign-up form might include a sentence that reads Signing up allows you to receive our monthly e-mail newsletter as well as periodic special offers related to our newest products.

- Send only the content that your e-mail list subscribers expect you to send. For example, if potential e-mail list subscribers share their e-mail address in order to receive a quote for your services, don’t send them offers unless they gave you permission as part of requesting a quote.

- Allow your e-mail list subscribers to choose their own interests. If you send several....."


i woke up that day.. it wasn't any different from other days..sun had already risen and its almost 7 .Ahan today is my birthday.So what ?? i have been living here in this world for 17 years..and yet did the world got anything from me.Whether i live or not will there be a difference? i looked through my mails and sms .There was even a packet from dad and mom and many many birthday cards,Of all colors ,Of all varieties and those sweet messages.. made me smile.. yet ...

As usuall am late to reach school.Some one had already spread the word that it was my birthday.So i was greated with many wishes again.Even the teacher didn't even bothered to scold me for being late.Even while the song "happy birthday to you" filled in classroom, the clouds in my heart didn't got drifted away.Whats so special about this day.I can't see anything unusual... people are celebrating.. but why ?? i can't even understand what good i have done to them ...

The school day went like all other days and i played the football in evening as usual.. dunno why i play ..for fun ??My legs hurt me as i walked back to my home..walking 2 kilometers after an hour and a half of tiring football match is not such a great idea for relief.Thoughts clustered in my mind..Yet even i wasn't sure about what all i was thinking..

Then something just caught attention of my eyes.Quite unnoticed from the crowd a man was searching in a litter box.Out of curiosity i watched what he was doing. A regular rag picker i suppose.well his looks were frightening.he looked dirty and wore a cloth of dirt's color .I stood there watching what he was doing. he don't seem to notice any he was not taking any glass bottles, but was just throwing them aside i was confused... cause rag pickers usually take them..Then i saw a gleam on his face. i was curious to see what it was.. i looked closely.. a packet of half eaten food thrown away by some one.might have been there for days.even the smell of the garbage would make me close my nose with fingers..the thought of he going to eat it made me feel to vomit..

Another regular picture of poverty. i started walking but something made me stop.what can i do ? some force made me put my hands into my pocket and grab the rupee notes there, father's gift for my birthday.i have already planned to buy the new game disc.. but...some unknown force made me get into the near by hotel and order a parcel.i took it and started towards the man.. my footsteps made him notice me. he looked back..i froze..but when i saw his eyes all i could see
was fright .. he gazed at me.i offered the package..he came to me in slow steps looking closely at last he was in a hand reach..suddenly he grabbed the package and started to run .i watched him vanishing in the distance and then i started walking back to my home..

At home it was unusually silent..i opened the door..and then there was a happy birthday wish in unison.. i smiled. birthday surprise!!!.i could see the smiling faces of my parents ,brother and my friends. i was guided to the cake..while i was blowing off the candles i made my wish, "may the suffery in the world decreases and people start to understand and help each other so no one have to live in poverty".That day, The birthday the cake tasted extra sweet even though it was all same as last year's and that night for once i slept peacefully, satisfied with thought that
finally i did one useful thing to the world..

"it's not that you have to do many things.. but the mind and the situation that make your help valuable to the world.."

disclaimer:- this is not a true story though it resembles some parts of my life.

Monday, June 1, 2009

i am gona miss you

The pain of lossing you is unexpainable.
may be all happy things ends up in misery .
you offered me quite a lot of happy moments.
but i feel all those ends with this little moment..

what did i done??
just tell   me.. may be atleast that will make me feel better.
why did you done this ??
may be knowing that will make me sleep tonight..

i was always been afraid to loose you
and think the day in my nightmares has arrived ..
am not sure how to face this.
and its not simple as the advices i give to you in past..

i feel despair, i feel sadness
just wish i won't loose you..
yet i feel that have already happened...
and today will be a sleep less night for me...

i am  gona miss you my friend...  i am surely gona miss  you.........

Dedicated to you, one of my bestfriends....dedicated only to you...
well i wish u would have been my best friend for ever... yet  dreams don't always happen.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Unspoken Words

many words, still left unspoken.
and a thousand times i wished,
 to express  them to you.
yet sometimes it so hard to say 
your feelings  to someone....

am not sure about what am thinking
yet one thign am sure is, 
i may have been born under luck star to
 meet a person as good as you 
and i wish ther won't be a day
when  we  have to say good bye..

in the dark night when i spent time looking 
up in sky, thoughts about you come to my
 mind. while am celebrating the most 
joy full events, i always miss you there.
well i wish very much for a day,when 
at last we be able to see each other.

what you see is beautiful ,things unseen are
more beautifull. yet for me i never care 
for beauty,or thats what i belive about me
thats why am so confident in wishing
to meet and spent time with you..

well i belive you know my mind, yet
you speak and act as if you know nothing
well you are really unpredictable
and thats why we are friends..
but my mind won't be feeling good untill
that day when i tell those unspoken words to you......

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Time To Say GoodBye

          Time to Say Good bye............

The day i met you, i still remeber so well,
yet i didn't thought we will become friends.
Times passed , from friends we become good friends
but even your  good friends , never  understands you perfectly.

may be i did mistakes, but you know am not perfect
and even  when we met i told you am not perfect,but you said 
 you never really mind, yet now i feel like you do really mind.
but you should have told me at first place,  you can't forgive

silence is stinging and painfull,  one word from you can
cure it.yet i feel like now you really don't care me,
and want me to suffer more.yet i have no grudges
aganist you nor there is any end in my love towards you.

well i will never be regretting about meeting you
and am thankfull to you for all the happy times with you.
you were supportive, you were caring and over all that
you were one of the only real friend i had...

you may have resons,which are unknown for me and 
am asking you sorry for all the mistakes i did to you
so this the last time i write to you ,yet that  doesn't
means you are no longer that good friend of mine..

yes its time to say good bye.....
good bye once and forever..................

   well once you feel some one is not at  intrested in talking you, then let him or her alone.why to disturb him or her??

  well one thing you must understand is that you are not perfect yourself. Also no one will be able to understand you perfectly as well. so don't blame yourself nor blame him or her. guess every hi ends up at last in a good bye.......

Dedicated to someone who was once and always be my good friend.yet i am not sure he or she considers me as a good friend or even a friend ..........

Monday, May 11, 2009

Do you belive in ghost ??

               well who don't like a change (:P) ?  me too got bored with writting only about technology lolz.well ok today let me share you a forwaded mail oncei recieved from one of my friends.....

well so you will wonder why i put the title as "Do you belive in ghost " ? .well let me go straight to the content.. lolz don;t want to get you guys bored ... enjoy !!!!........

This is the content of email

 "The guy in the photo went to the Sundarbans with his friends and he asked 1 of his friends to take his picture in that very place. While his friend was taking the picture he screamed and fainted, 2 days later he died in the medical college. Doctors said he died because of heart attack. When the photos were exposed, in the last photo there was a lady standing right beside him though friends claim that he was standing alone. Many people said it is a rumor and the picture is the result of the blessings of latesttechnology. However, the photo itself is very scary and I'm sure you'll also feel the same way I've felt. Here you go with the photo!!! "

so any intrest in see the pic ?? its scary i promise (:P) .do see it if you don't want to see nightmares.  lolz ok sorry to kee you waiting, here you go with pic.......

well one thing is that i belive in ghost. Do u ??....
well if some one wants to know why.lets chat about it. i like talking on spooky things..
well but this pic is dissapointing..i think this is just a fake one.....but sure the pic looks spooky..
hope you enjoyed my post........

Friday, May 8, 2009

how to start blogging


  Feeling bored ?? looking for an intresting  hobby ??...
    well blogging is the right answer for you. let the writting skills inside you be revealed to the world. let you get the audience you hopped for with out spenting any money. Make you free times filled with fun and earn some money.... So go and start a blog right now !!!

 What is a blog ??

 Blog is an expression of you knowledge ,thoughts ,ideas, dreams   or anythign you wish to share and express . its a place where you can readers can add comments and rate you blogs..


   the world is vast , and there are a lot people who are veyr knowledgable out there. if you search on a search engine you can find that many results are blogposts. this blogs really helps us to get updated with happenings and gives us a lot information..

  blogs are also helpfull for advertizers. since most blogs are particularly based on one subject , it easy for targeted advertizing...

 what it takes...

do you have ideas ?? knowledge , intresting in writting ... ??

making  a blog and writting post doen't takes much effort.there are a thousand sites which allow you to write blogs for free. so make one blog and start writting..

 Things to rember..

"content is the king " . so be sure to add quality content.
"be orginal". post only orginal content. readers are not intrested in frauds.
"neat layout". write you post nicely,try to avoid spelling mistakes.add pictures.because it is said that a picture is worth 1000 words. Use nice fonts and a make sure the you content is well enjoyed by readers. Add intresting widgets and bookmarking tools to promote user interaction and backlining.
"promote healthy conversations" .healthy conversation on your psts brings back your make sure to reply user comments .
"timely updates" be sure to have post atleast a post in short intervals of time if you want readers to come back.
"healthy promotion" .promote your blog in healthyway.ask your friends and relatives to read your posts.
"monetize cleverly"  find right ways and monetize you site cleaverly to earn most out of your blogs.

so go and start a  blog for you  at anysite like blogger,xanga, wordpress  ......


Paying Post

                  click here to visit paying post..

      Today let me introduce you to paying post a unique service which is both suited for advertisers and bloggers for earning and advertizing.....

          A Blogger ??

do you like writting ? do you have a blog and usually post in it ? well then why can't you think about monetizing your blog and earn for writting.well a little extra money never hurt you know!!!

 At paying post you will be able to write reviews about cool websites, companies, products reviews and much more. well if you are well aware of what you are writitng and is knowledgable on your subjects , then be sure to add a few more dollar biils to your wallet with out much hard work.

Looking for earning ??

well internet is a great place to find opurtunities  and paying post is one of the best among those oppurtunities. so start writting , get earnings....

Simple payment methods..

you can get your payments into your paypal on every firstday of a month and there are a lot of chances, like the best blog during a pyment period recives a 25$ extra...

You are the boss..

work any time you wish , earn money wjile enjoying your freedom. on paying post you are the boss..

                An Advertizer ??

 Are you an advertizer looking for finding right blogs for you advertizement.? well paying post is a unique service which will help you target right adverts at right blogs.this site only charge almost 50% less than other services and am sure this is the right answer for you advertizing needs..

Need help advertizing ?   

there are a thousand blogs out there. Are you stuck ?? paying post is right here to help you out, and to choose best blogs to target your advertizing...

Its's so easy

just create an advertizer account answer a few simple questions. its so easy , now just sit and watch more peopel become aware of you service and more people floaking back to your site.

Present it  in your way......

you can decided how the blogs should be written , whether it need images or even deicide the number of back links you prefer.

hope you enjoyed the Review ......

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ping Box

                 click here to go and get a ping box for you
  Here am, presenting you a technology related post. ping box, a web 2.0 element offered by yahoo is a pretty handy tool , which can spice up your blogs and profile.on the same time this too is pretty usefull , cause it allows private chats between you and your friends....   

(requirements:  yahoo id ,yahoo messenger 9 +   )                                                   


    To get a ping box for you you must baiscally have a yahoo account. Click here and go to ping box page.  Click on create ping box... you will reach the ping box studio.

     ping box studio allows you to name your ping box,choose your colour schemes or themes, set up your default messages and settings.

 After customization click save.

  You will reach the share window.Choose site if you like to put in blogger, live space and all, copy code and paste it in your site or profile.

(more instructions provided there )
for a site not listed, choose on any site option.

well hope you enjoyed my tutorial.if you want to see a ping box in action, see right side of the blog, on the top, for "chat me" widget i have used a ping box .....

My Buddy List

           Click here to visit my buddy list                                                                                                                                                     

well the friends who know me well know that am a computer geek. i love to create websites, learn new stuff and help people. and among my hobbies , i give most importance to creation. it wa salways my dream to create a website and finally i was almost able to be satisfied with "mybuddylist".

today i will tell you more about my website :

so this is my buddy list home page. this site allowas you to have a a custom profile for you,add videos ,photos and music. have your own blog, write in froums, create groups and events and keep in update with friends. you can also enjoy the instant messenger feature and play multiplayer games....

how i began.. 

from the day i got internet, i was like really dreaming to learn and build a website for me.and like in noveber 2008 , after trying alot platforms and scripts i reached this platform which was really satisfying for me.....

my works..

well even thought most features are made by the developers from third party , i did a little work on the plat form too. i installed who-im a custom tool, created the theme for the site and invited many people and even now spentign a lot time and effort for the site....

how you can help...

well big success always come with if you guys join and invite your friends , add media like blogs and all it will be a great help for me...



Future dreams...      

in the past when i started building this site ..the platform was in free it has been changed to paid versions. so if i need to add more developmeants , i will have to pay, which am unable to do in present state...

the expected money to be raised to shift to a paid version is 200$.so am looking for ward advertizers and sponsers .so if you are intrested please contact me on

        if you are intrested in donating this project please click the donate button below                                                       


hello friends

So at last i opened a new blog on  i used to blog on a site called ibibo and now its a long time since i stopped that habbit.anyways here am back again. i will share my knowledge, creations ,plans and everything in this blog.

so please wait , i will start writting here as soon as i can.tell then enjoy my old posts at